Pipeline Maintenance Contract

Al Baraka Oilfield Services provides a range of maintenance services to the oilfield sector in the sultanate of Oman. Currently Al Baraka provides Pipeline Maintenance Services and Pipeline Emergency Repair Services across all Petroleum Development of Oman (PDO) assets in South of Oman. Pipeline Maintenance Services further divided in to Preventive (Routine) activities and Predictive (non-routine) or additional /call-off activities.

• Corrosion monitoring services including transportation, rigging up, testing, calibration, running maintenance, repair and rigging down
• Quality Assurance and Quality Control testing on materials and reporting results as required by the Client
• Mechanical, and/or chemical, cleaning matching pipeline conditions, and removing debris to minimizing downtime
• By and large, related to crude oil, refined products, water, and natural gas systems
• A range of specialized services is provided to deliver pipeline isolation as required at any stage during the maintenance program
• Hydro-testing and nitrogen services
• Pigging Operations